Make yourself safe by creating a wedding photography contract
Wedding photography contract is a Must-have for each photographer. Why is it necessary? Because it is very important to protect yourself and your business from the very beginning.
Wedding photography contract is a Musthave for each photographer. Why is it necessary? Because it is very important to protect yourself and your business from the very beginning. We all want to believe that people we work with are the honest ones. Sometimes it is true, but no one is immune to cheating. Even if you do think you know people and can tell at once whom you can trust and who is not trustworthy, you are wrong. As well as any wedding photo editing service you need to make sure about your clients. So, make yourself safe by making a safe contract.
What do wedding contracts for photographers look like? How to build them? You will find the answers on these questions here. In addition, you will find some useful tips, advices and different kinds of templates for contracts. You will surely find the one you are looking for.
If you are still not sure about making your wedding photographer contracts, then here is a video by Nadia Meli who has great experience in this area. So, Do you need a photography contract?
After watching your answer is probably in the affirmative that means you are interested and ready to read this article, and to learn much about it.
Let’s get started!
Wedding Contracts for Photographers – Easy and Secure
There are some points that must be in your Wedding photography contract. No matter what template you have decide to use, following details are vital and have to be there.
1.The most basic and simple, but the first one
Do you know what is this? Of course, we are talking about such information as the full name of your client and his or her contacts (the more the better) as well as yours. Obviously, it is not enough only to know a name and a phone number (at least) or even only Instagram page or whatever. You have to know such basic info about your client and he has to know the same about you too.
Who knows what can happen? But, this basic rule can help in many cases. You’d better first to know his Facebook, phone number and e-mail. Such information is vital to any form of wedding contracts for photographers.
2.As crucial as the first one, but still the second
You need to clarify as soon as possible how and when a payment has to be done.
It’s better to choose certain day that will be for both, you and your client, quite suitable. If there ae special terms as not whole payment at once but by parts or prepayment, you are to point out them. To avoid problems and uncomfortable situations after, you and your client have to come to terms at the very beginning of your work.
Should you think that such wedding photographer contract tips are the obvious ones then you will be surprised how many awkward and unpleasant situation take place only because a photographer ignores these points, hesitates or prefers to discuss this later.
There is nothing wrong with it and if you’re afraid that the discussion of such details will offend your client then it’s already something wrong with him or her.
3.The third is for how much
It’s not about the amount of money (as we have discussed it in the foregoing point), but about the number of photos you are expected to take. It’s very important one since wedding photos cannot be retaken another day just as simple as ordinary photo session.
In order to ensure there will be no confusion about quantity when your clients receive them, discuss more or less accurate number of the images. Any type of wedding photographer contracts should contain a term that defines how much time you will have for sorting, editing and so on so there are no annoying questions and endless reminds.
By the way, for fast and quality retouching turn to wedding photography post processing services.
4.Are you allowed to…?
One more thing that is totally should be in your contract are rights. May you use these photos for your portfolio? May your clients use them for one or another reason like advertising, for example? Or can you use them for the same reason? For instance. If you want to use their picture for showing difference between photo retouch before and after.
All these questions have to be answered. Here is one of wedding photographer contract tips: not only discussed, but written down in your contract in most accurate way possible. It is the same for all points.
5.Cancel correctly
A case of cancellation is also an important part of all wedding contracts for photographers, because this can happen at any time with anyone.
A fine should depend on what stage of your work (just during organizational moment or retouching, for example) your client decide to break the contract. Know the value of your work!
By the way, talking about values and prices, check photo retouching rates out as it is useful for you know such information to arrange your own price list or to decide if you are able to outsource a hard part of work and save your time. Remember, it’s all up to you!
6.“Room Service”
Wedding photo album is also very important part of the whole event and of your work too. So make sure you have discussed all details of its delivery with your clients.
Just a friendly piece of advice: make sure that free food is included in your contract. Wedding photo session probably will take a whole day if you want to capture all beautiful moments from the very beginning till the end of the event.
Samples of wedding photography contract template
Since any contract is an official document, there is a lot of examples how to do the one you need. Of course, even if you find a template, you still need to discuss it with your lawyer. You cannot just remove some words and add something else instead of them. Make sure your document is valid.
Apparently, you need some framework for your future contract. Let us give you the first example of a wedding photography contract template that was made by ZADESIGNZ.
It is good for a couple reason:
- There is a good explanation of the whole process, so a client fully understands what you’re doing and what your next step is.
- It includes a few other forms, such as a photography release one.
You are also recommended to check out Jen O’Sullivan’s template. She calls it Agreement instead of contract. Timeline here is perfect and so points about cancellation and guarantee are.
It is also possible to use another basis for your contract. The following one is more standard and classical. It’s good because of simple form. A groom and a bride just need to fill in the blanks. This one was made by Sharon Horton.
The next wedding photography contract template, which is offered by Lucid Eyes Photography, is even easier than the previous one.
But nowadays it is possible to do everything online so why do all this paper work when you can post online form and learn all information you need.
You can create your own variant of online form with a WordPress and the WPForms plugin. Learn how to do this here.
It’s easy! And it is worth a try.
Just like using family photo editing. If you are interested in saving your time and getting quick results at high quality.
As you can see, there are so many ways of creating a wedding photography contract you are happy with.
So, why is it so important to have a contract?
Beside the reasons, we have already mentioned (protection, clarification), there is one more. By discussing terms of a contract with your clients, you show them that you are a professional photograph who they can trust.
Still don’t know how exactly to make it? Then here you can find so much more useful wedding photographer contract tips: Photography Contracts for Beginners.
All in all, like all a wedding photographers, you are tend to work with many people despite of your clients. A contract is important for your good relationship with vendors, other photographers and so on. Every wedding photographer know that exactly these people can provide you with clients.
We hope this article helps you to find out how everything works and helps to make a wedding contract that will be perfect for you. Remember, a contract is made not only for clients, but for you as well. So try to do all work in time in order to not disappoint a bride and a groom. By the way. here you can find some useful information about The way best photographers do couple photo editing Photoshop.
Our service is always here to help you with any kind of editing in case you are late or for some reason you don’t manage to do this earlier. Or even if you are just want to spend your time on something else (for a next order, for example).