Wedding photo editing tips in video tutorials and written shortlists
Here you'll find the best video tutorials to study wedding photo post production.
Wedding is great and light celebration. On this date is creating wonderful, memories. Then, every person – newlyweds, their friends, relatives and other guests - all of them want to save this memories, return to them whenever they want. The wedding photographer is responsible for making such light memories, for saving them in wedding album or just in modern times, on PC. In fact, to make them qualitative, bright, and fairytaling is responsibility of wedding photos post production. Nowadays many video tutorials exists about wedding photography editing, about how is to retouch this type of photos and the top of the professional wedding photo editors. Of course, we can keep in mind also wedding videos editing, because it is important and difficult part of the whole celebration. But we talk directly about wedding photos. Before talking about video guides in wedding photography retouching, let us firstly realize the sense of this business. Today I suggest you to read and see how it is looks like and what it is like.
Even if you have secured an ideal venue, you have likely heard this before, but success takes a lot of hard work. You must understand that wedding photography is not only lucky or needed skillful shooting the happy smiles, décor, cakes, dresses etc. This is art process what is need seeing and feeling of great master, who not afraid to express his inner vision of the grate date. This master must be the newlywed`s eyes and hears. He/she must see what they see, then to feel deeply again in their memory «cassete». Maybe a client wants to make a vintage style wedding photography or something else.
The wedding post production workflow have its own brutality. If the photographer will not be on the top of his workflow, he will wake up with panic in the wedding seasons middle. For every hour he spend shooting at a wedding, there can easily be up to five hours of post production. Workflow begins the moment he pick up your camera and ends the moment you deliver the wedding album. He must work smarter, not harder.
Knowing about wedding photography editing tutorial is not simple process, but interesting. If want to know more about it, you better start with learning wedding photography services.
Wedding photography services
Learn what you can about Lightroom, Photoshop, Photo Mechanic. This is the most common photo editing services, where a lot of professional photo editors began their career. There are many wedding photography editing tutorials, linked up with this services directly. But you know, that there are a lot of other, online services, on the internet vastnesses. You can get acquainted with one of our wedding photo editing service. So, educate yourself on every keyboard shortcut that you can. Read, listen, and educate yourself on the entire editing process.
Wedding photos editing steps you will absolutely need
Unlike the video tutorails this simple steps are usually not mentioned there. It can surely help you undrestand wedding photography and avoid silly actions which can turn the first impresions of wedding retouching or process itself into complete flop. Like on this video, you can create a fairytale photoshoot.
The first step in editing is actually downloading the images from your memory card. Make sure you get yourself a good USB card reader. You can use Lightroom to import the photos. When you’re importing your images, it’s also the perfect time to back them up. You can select a secondary import location (like an external hard drive). An important thing to keep in mind with any backup strategy is to keep multiple copies of data, as well as to store a version of the data offsite (in the event a disaster occurs where your files are stored locally). Then goes sorting - is a skill every photographer should be continually developing. Reviewing your photos and making the decisions about which images should be delivered to the client is critical to your growth as a shooter. It can be a painful process. It’s hard to look through images and identify what worked well, but more importantly what needs to be improved. But it’s worth the pain, because you improve by studying your own work.
Lightroom little wedding retouching guide
For a bunch of photo editors Lightroom is the most powerful and frequently used tool in wedding post production workflow. Even of the USA famous wedding photographers – Ryan Brenizer, tells about his wedding photo editing tips to be the great importance of srepding much time in Lightroom and understanding it from A to Z. By understanding editing wedding photos in Lightroom abilities, you will have the great Lightroom workflow. You can quickly make adjustments to white balance, expo the basics. Then you can take it further and create awesome black and whites, apply creative colouring effects, crop, dodge/burn, add/remove vignettes, perform light retouching, reduce noise, sharpen images, and make adjustments.
So, it is quite simple form to work with images. You can start with your first image, make there some retouching activities, not necessary complex (for this here are video tutorials they are), after that make the same activities on another several photos. If the photos are similar you can sync adjustments, saving you lots of time. Or alternatively, if you have the group of similar images, you can batch edit them all at once. That gives you a great starting point, and you’ll probably only have to make small adjustments. Ensuring that your photos are sorted by time captured helps here. When the lighting conditions are similar you can really take advantage of those speedy workflow features in Lightroom. As we have finished editing images, we stealy move to their exporting by using handy export. It is better to work with JPEG s files to export the full resolution. This operations can also be done by Photoshop or Photo Mechanic. It is very comfortable.
Since most of people like to scan photos of their or other copies to get some inspiration of other photo owners, or maybe just envy to some photo makers works, this in all cases requires qualitative retouching of every details of this celebration. More professional retouching – than more wishes. So, for weddings we only retouch images that go into the album or are ordered as prints. There are simply far too many images to retouch them all! Be attentive and reserve the patient! Although, our retouching is pretty simple. We reduce not only wedding portraits: bags under eyes, whiten teeth, heal temporary blemishes, and remove distracting elements (exit signs, garbage on the ground, etc.). We also have to edit all emotions of newlyweds and every presenters, fairytale wedding itself, the great dinner. Our philosophy is that good retouching needs to be realistic
We’re very careful not to take an image too far. While nearly all of our image editing occurs in Lightroom, retouching is still faster to do in Photoshop. The clone, spot healing and patch tool all make quick work of retouching. You can also use the online weddings retouching service, for example to watch the photo retouch before and after.
Lightroom is an amazing tool, but it’s only as amazing as you allow it to be. Many video tutorials talks about it is the best wedding photo retouching service, because of its possibility of quick and safe retouching. But you can t expect it to save ALL your photos. Editing wedding photos in Lightroom assumes one tip – you will have to shoot in RAW. RAW, like JPEG, is a type of image format. But unlike JPEG, RAW saves a lot of information that other file formats discard. RAW images are larger, and therefore you’ll need a bigger SD card to accommodate them. But you’ll be astounded by how much more vibrant and detailed your photos are when you make the switch. And don’t worry: Lightroom converts RAW files so you can edit them. When you’re done editing, you simply export back into JPEG format – but this time you have all that detail.
Photoshop wedding post production tips
Wedding editing need much time to learn, understand, and realize the importance of masterpiece this sphere. Some photographers does it because of profit, for others it is just hobby, and for some ones it is the way of improving their skills and getting art inspiration. Photoshop is one of the first photo editing services, which opens to photo creators wide world of wedding photo editing tips. Many beginners starts with this program, because unlike the editing wedding photos in Lightroom, Photoshop can more quickly download the files and save most of retouching files. But it requires much more time than you think. Read the Photoshop features if you are not professional.
Here are three of the most popular wedding photo effects, which can help to edit wedding photo in Photoshop comfortable, that every wedding photographer should know. In the first part, you will learn how to access the hiding split toning presents and apply them so that they do not affect the tonal information in your photo. Next, you will learn how to increase contrast in B&W photo without clipping any highlights or shadows. This is especially useful in wedding photo editing tips, where you have dark areas in the grooms and bright areas in the brides dress. Finally, you will learn how to use just one Curves layer to create a popular film effect.
The first effect will split tones. Before you apply this effect you must convert your photo into black and white. It is an effect which tins the highlights and shadows of your black and white photo to give in a two-tone color effect. Of course, you can use Lightroom, but Photoshop gives you more control for this process. It is more convenient to use the Photoshop CS6, which is already comes with 32 photographer-created split toning presets. Then you must add the a Gradient Map adjustment layer and set the blending mod to this color. It will protect the tonal information of your photo. For this operations Photoshop CS6 is the best way to improve your editing skills. To make things little easier you can download all toning presets from Photoshop official site. Then pick up all toning presets you want to see. Don`t afraid of making experiments.
Family photos
As you have guesed, wedding photography is quite creative process, which demands time, efforts, money and great wish. All this tips can be appeared in a buch of video tutorials we have already seen. And this type of photography have something similar with family photo editing. All your knowledges in Photoshop or Lightroom can be certanly used in family photo retouching. Because you also need to order an professional phtographer, who must understand what you want and see all your family`s inner world, if you wonder of making great family memories and emotions. But this common programs, can discover for you not full imagination about wedding or family photo editing world. For these online services is created. See on of them to find your missing details.
Online photo editing services are not free. This is explains by row of advantages before usual programms – speed of retouching, individual photo details and editing details consideration with clients in online regume, making many copies of edited images and the main reason – the quality of production. None of the programs will not make such perfect result like online editing service or company. But what the prices? They are differents. It depends on services itselves. I give you example one of the great online wedding photo editing service, where you can see today`s photo retouchers rates and decide what you prefer to do – to break the brains with solo teaching editing programs, or to order your desired result and get it with excellent quality.